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Seven Citical Techniques for Oven Cooking
Operation and Maintenance for Oven
Proper Sauces Creates Incredible Flavor
繽紛海鮮 V.S. 燒烤美味
Various Seafood V.S. Flavorful Roasted Food
鹽焗蝦 ●鹽焗醬
Salt-Roasted Shrimps
●Salt-Roasted Dipping Sauce
烤芝麻魷魚 ●沙茶烤肉醬
Roasted Squid with White Sesame
●BBQ Sauce with Shacha Flavor
奶油螃蟹 ●奶油焗醬
Butter Crab
●Butter Baking Sauce
烤八寶中卷 ●五味醬
Roasted Eight-Treasure Squid
●Five-Flavor Sauce
彩椒蝦盅 ●起司焗醬
Roasted Shrimp Pots with Bell Peppers
●Cheese Sauce
鮮蚵豆腐 ●豆豉醬
Roasted Oyster with Tofu
●Fermented Bean Sauce
焗烤淡菜 ●番茄紅醬
Roasted Mussels
●Tomato Sauce
烤絲瓜蛤蜊 ●奶油醬
Baked Clams with Luffa
●Butter Sauce
泰式小卷 ●泰式酸辣醬
Thai-Style Inshore Squid
●Thai-Style Hot-and-Sour Sauce
起司鍋蝦 ●白醬
Shrimp Pots with Cheese
●White Sauce
起司百里香扇貝 ●百里香起司醬
Scallop with Cheese and Thyme
●Thyme Cheese Sauce
烤秋刀魚 ●山椒胡椒鹽
Roasted Pacific Saury
●Pepper-Salt with Japanese Pepper
檸香虱目魚肚 ●檸檬醃汁
Lemon Milkfish Belly
●Lemon Marinade
杏仁鱈魚 ●香茄醬
Cod Fish with Almond
●Tomato Flavor Sauce
香烤鰻魚 ●烤鰻醬
Roasted Eel
●Eel Sauce
椒鹽下巴 ●椒鹽醃汁
Pepper-Salt Fish Jaw
●Pepper-Salt Marinade
豆酥烤鱈魚 ●豆酥醬
Roasted Cod Fish with Bean Crisps
●Bean Crisps Paste
酥皮鮭魚 ●蛋黃醬
Crispy Salmon
鹽烤香魚 ●薑汁蘿蔔醬
Salt-Roasted Sweetfish
●Radish with Ginger Sauce
蔥味鱸魚 ●香辣魚露汁
Scallion Bass
●Spicy Fish Sauce
Barbecue and BBQ Sauces ~The Delicious Scent of Roasted Dishes
烤春雞 ●五香椒鹽粉
Roasted Spring Chicken
●Pepper-Salt with Five-Spice Powder
蜜汁烤雞腿 ●蜜汁醬
Honey-Glazed Chicken Leg
●Honey-Glazed Sauce
照燒雞腿排 ●照燒醬
Chicken Thigh with Teriyaki Sauce
●Teriyaki Sauce
辣味雞翅 ●芝麻甜辣醬
Spicy Chicken Wing
●Sesame Sweet Chilli Sauce
串烤雞丁 ●沙茶烤肉醬
Diced Chicken Skewers
●Shacha BBQ Sauce
香草雞腿排 ●迷迭香醬
Herbal Chicken Thigh
●Rosemary Sauce
紅酒香蔥雞 ●紅酒醬
Red Wine Chicken with Onion
●Red Wine Sauce
芒果烤鴨胸 ●鴨香紅酒醬
Roasted Duck Breast with Mango
●Red Wine Sauce with Duck Flavor
烤德國豬腳 ●蜂蜜芥末醬
German Roasted Ham Hock(Schweinshaxe)
●Honey Mustard Sauce
烤藍帶豬排 ●豬排醬
Roasted Pork Chop Gordon Bleu
●Pork Chop Sauce
洋菇醬烤豬肋排 ●洋菇醬
Roasted Pork Ribs with Mushroom Sauce
●Mushroom Sauce
蒜味香腸 ●蒜香醬
Garlick Sausages
●Garlic Sauce
茄汁漢堡肉 ●紅茄醬
Burger Patty with Ketchup Sauce
●Ketchup Sauce
椒香鹹豬肉 ●五香胡椒醬
Roasted Salt Pork
●Five-Spice Pepper Sauce
烤叉燒肉 ●叉燒醬
Roasted Pork
●Basting Sauce
梅花沙嗲 ●沙嗲醬
Pork Butt Satay
●Satay Sauce




Seven Citical Techniques for Oven Cooking

Oven cooking can be easy, quick, and versatile. Cooking perfect oven-roasted cuisines with the following seven critical techniques would not only make your meals most appetizing and tasty, but also create pan-frying and steaming effects.

燒烤 Roast-braising Method
Roasting is a cooking method that ingredients are packed in aluminium foil or are placed on a casserole with a lid and put in heat source for cooking. Ingredients in a casserole or in a sheet of aluminium foil are usually flavored with seasonings, and then are put in heat source. Sometimes, the ingredient is heated without seasoning, but it will be seasoned with dressing after it is cooked.

Flavor and color: Fresh and moist
Tips: Roasting cooking method is frequently used for cooking those ingredients that contain much moisture or are sensitive to temperature, for instance, vegetables, fish, crabs, shrimps, and shells. When roasting, covering the ingredients with a sheet of aluminium foil or a lid, so that the mouthfeel will be tender and juicy just like the effect of steaming.

生烤 Plain-roasting Method
Plain-roasting method means roasting ingredients in a roasting pan or rack without covering with aluminium foil until cooked.

Flavor and color: Crispy and golden brown
Tips: Meat that is rich in fat and protein is suitable for plain-roasting method. The ingredient cooked by this method must be fresh enough so as to present it best original taste. Plain-roasting method is not suitable for cooking vegetables because the moisture of vegetables will lose quickly and lead to dry taste.

蒸烤 Steamed-roasting Method
Steamed-roasting method is a kind of double-boiler method. The method is to fill a roasting pan with water, and put a roasting bowl with a lid or with aluminium foil in the roasting pan, and then put them in oven. This method creates a steaming-like cooking result and avoids a dry and charred taste.

Flavor and color: Smooth and juicy
Tips: Ingredients that are high in moisture can be cooked by this method, for example, roasted Chinese cabbage or baked rice pudding. The water in the roasting pan must be half full of the roasting pan. Keep the oven temperature low so as to prolong its heating time and allow the interior of food to curdle slowly to get the delicate and smooth mouthfeel.

熟烤 Cooked-roasting Method
Cooked-roasting method is to blanch or pan-fry ingredients before putting them in oven, for instance, roasted pork chop Cordon Bleu, roasted potatoes, and roasted broccoli.

Flavor and color: Crispy on the outside but tender on the inside
Tips: The ingredient that is thick or large in size should use this method to cook. Re-brush the food with sauce one or two times during roasting process to allow the sauce to coat the food, enhancing the flavor.

醬烤 Marinated-Roasting Method
Marinated-roasting method is to marinate ingredients with seasonings and spices before proceeding, or just roast and season the food at the same time to make the sauce gradually infuse into the food over heating, such as roast chicken wings, roast chicken with rosemary, and roast beef steak with sauce.

Flavor and color: Bold and robust
Tips: Marinated- roasting method is frequently used for cooking meat and seafood as they contain strong fish odor. Through adding tangy heavy sauces the flavor of meat and seafood will be increased, and their fishy smell will be eliminated. This method is less viable for vegetable because the moisture of vegetable would dilute the taste of sauce.

焗烤 Baking Method
Baking is a dry cooking method by adding or sprinkling a large amount of salt or cream on top of the ingredients and put them in oven for cooking. This method can form a crispy surface on top.

Flavor and color: Dry on the outside and soft on the inside
Tips: Baking method is common in Western cooking. The tip of baking method is to use creamy white sauce, green sauce, or red sauce that consists of a variety of herbs. Mix the ingredients and sauce in a roasting pan, sprinkle with cheese and then put in oven to heat up. The melted cheese and creamy dense sauce mix together, and make flavor of the dish even rich.

串烤 Skewering Method
Skewering method is to skewer ingredients that are diced into samll cubes and roast them in oven. The advantage of skewering method is people can brush skewers with sauce conveniently, and at any time, people can take them out of the oven, flip them over in order to make them heated evenly.

Flavor and color: Crispy and glossy
Tips: When skewering food, make sure all the ingredients are arranged to cook as fast as the quickest-cooking one, and they will cook at the same rate. In general, thread vegetables and the same kind of meat in a skewer, be sure the vegetables and meat are in equal size. In order to enjoy different tastes, you can use wooden skewers or metal skewers.

Honey-Glazed Chicken Leg

Marinating Time
15 minutes

TEMP of Oven
上火 Top heat 180℃
下火 Bottom heat 180℃

First Roasting Time
15 minutes

Second Roasting Time
10 minutes

Taste & Flavor
Sesame flavor with sweet taste

2 chicken legs, 1/4 tsp. parsley flakes, 1/4 tsp. fried white sesame, 1 leaf lettuce, 2 cherry tomatoes, 2 baby corns, 2 broccoli

Honey-Glazed Sauce
2 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. BBQ sauce, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. lemon juice

1 雞腿洗淨,加入少許拌勻的蜜汁醬塗抹均勻,醃15分鐘至入味。
2 生菜洗淨,切絲,鋪在盤中備用;小番茄洗淨;玉米筍、綠花椰菜洗淨、燙熟備用。
3 烤盤鋪上鋁箔紙,放上醃好的雞腿,送入烤箱烤15分鐘,取出,表面再刷一層蜜汁醬,送入烤箱續烤10分鐘至熟透。
4 取出烤好的雞腿,放在生菜盤中,趁熱撒上熟白芝麻及巴西利碎,再加上小番茄、玉米筍及綠花椰菜裝飾即可。

1 Rinse the chicken legs. Rub a little of honey-glazed sauce all over the chicken legs and marinate them for 15 minutes.
2 Rinse and shred the lettuce. Spread the shredded lettuce in a plate. Rinse the cherry tomatoes. Rinse and blanch the baby corns and broccoli for later use.
3 Cover a roasting pan with aluminium foil. Place the marinated chicken legs in the roasting pan. Put the pan in the oven and roast it for 15 minutes. Take the chicken legs out and brush them with the honey-glazed sauce. And then return to the oven and roast them for another 10 minutes until they are thoroughly cooked.
4 Take out the roasted chicken legs and put them in the plate with the shredded lettuce. Top off with fried white sesame and parsley flakes when the legs are still hot. Garnish with cherry tomatoes, baby corns, and broccoli florets.

Honey-Glazed Sauce
用途 Purpose
For marinating and roasting
烤雞腿祕訣 Tip for making roasted chicken leg
When roasting a whole chicken or chicken legs, apply honey-glazed sauce to the surface of the meat so that the chicken can be colored easily, and the skin of the chicken will be crispy and flavorful. The honey in this recipe can be replaced with malt sugar which contributes the same effect to the dish.



    • 語言
    • 中文繁體
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9789863730439
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 144
    • 商品規格
    • 菊8開21*28cm
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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