琉森音樂節歷史名演 Vol. 8 安妮.費雪,里昂.佛萊雪/舒曼,貝多芬:鋼琴協奏曲

琉森音樂節歷史名演 Vol. 8 安妮.費雪,里昂.佛萊雪/舒曼,貝多芬:鋼琴協奏曲

Lucerne Festival Vol. 8 A.Fischer, L.Fleisher

  • 發行公司:Audite
  • 產品編號:95643
  • 發行日期:2017/10/17
  • 張數:1 張 - 1CD
  • 定價:529
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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一轉眼,Audite公司的琉森歷史名演系列也到第八集了!本片收錄1960和1962年兩位鋼琴大師首度登上琉森音樂節的經典演出:匈牙利鋼琴家安妮.費雪與美國鋼琴家里昂.弗萊雪。這批錄音不僅是首次發行,更是記錄他們藝術顛峰的重要音樂文獻。 李希特曾說安妮是位「才華洋溢的音樂家」,並說她「有真正的呼吸和真實的深度」。安德拉斯.席夫(Andras Schiff)也說「我從未聽過如此充滿詩意的演出」。安妮.費雪1914年生於布達佩斯,孩童時期就上台公開獻藝,1930年贏得國際李斯特大賽,之後除了戰爭時期之外,演出足跡遍布世界各地。然而,由於她的錄音室專輯並不多,因此往往得熟門熟路的行家才有機會一窺究竟。也因此像本片這樣的現場錄音,又是首次發行,自然更顯珍貴:安妮.費雪在琉森的演出僅有1960年夏天這麼一回,但她完全理解舒曼鋼琴協奏曲內的纖細敏感、如室內樂般的非凡詩意,連瑞士的「新蘇黎世日報」也大讚她「獲得超乎尋常的巨大成功」。和她一同進行這趟愉快音樂探索之旅的則是朱里尼以及來自英國的愛樂管弦樂團。 弗萊雪1962年首次站上琉森舞台時才34歲,與安妮.費雪相同,此刻亦是他演奏生涯飛黃騰達之時,弗萊雪以神童之姿出道,此後音樂之路可謂一帆風順。然而好景不長,就在他結束琉森演出(首次完整發行)沒幾個月,他卻患上了局部肌張力不全(focal dystonia)導致右手無法繼續使用。弗萊雪並未因此灰心喪志,往後的數十年間,他成為專攻左手演奏曲目的權威,多虧日新月異的醫療技術,晚年的弗萊雪終於可以再次用雙手彈奏鋼琴。本片他演奏極為拿手的貝多芬第二號鋼琴協奏曲,由喬治.塞爾指揮瑞士節慶管弦樂團與他搭檔,弗萊雪高貴優雅澄澈無暇的手法讓人忍不住拍案叫絕。事實上前一年塞爾與弗萊雪兩人已經合作過錄音室專輯,有興趣的樂迷也不妨拿來作為對照組。本次演出的下半場曲目是布拉姆斯的第一號交響曲,收錄於本系列第三集-喬治.塞爾,同時榮獲金音叉大獎以及入圍國際古典音樂大獎(ICMA)。 厚達32頁的解說冊以三種語言提供兩位鋼琴家完整豐富的背景資訊,搭配多張參與上述演出的資料庫照片,也是相當值得入手的理由。 The eighth disc in the series ""LUCERNE FESTIVAL Historic Performances"" is dedicated to two piano icons: in 1960 and 1962, with two years between them, Hungarian-born Annie Fischer and the American Leon Fleisher made their debuts at LUCERNE FESTIVAL. Released here for the first time in their entirety, these live recordings document them at the peak of their art. Sviatoslav Richter called her a ""brilliant musician"", accrediting her with ""great breath and true depth"". Andras Schiff acknowledged: ""I have never heard more poetic playing in my life."" Annie Fischer, born in Budapest in 1914, gave public performances even as a child, winning the International Liszt Competition in 1930 and after that, except during the war, touring worldwide. Nonetheless, she tends to be rated as an insider's tip, not least because she left behind only a handful of studio recordings. That makes live recordings such as this, released for the first time, all the more precious: at her only performance in Lucerne in summer 1960, Annie Fischer realised a sensitive, chamber-like and exceptionally poetic reading of the Schumann Piano Concerto with which she ""garnered unusually fervent success"", according to the Neue Zurcher Zeitung. She found congenial musical partners in Carlo Maria Giulini and the Philharmonia Orchestra. Leon Fleisher made his Lucerne debut in 1962 at the age of thirty-four: on the peak of his rapid career which had – as had been the case with Annie Fischer – catapulted him into musical life while he was still a child. However, only a few months after his Lucerne performance – released for the first time in its entirety – he developed ""focal dystonia"", making the use of his right hand impossible. During the following decades, Fleisher became a specialist of the left-handed repertoire until, in his old age, he was once again able to play with both hands, thanks to new medical treatments. In Lucerne, he presented himself with one of his party pieces – Beethoven's Second Piano Concerto, which he played with an elegant and transparent tone. The Swiss Festival Orchestra was conducted by George Szell, with whom he had made a studio recording of the concerto one year previously – an interesting comparison. The second half of this concert, Brahms' First Symphony, is already available in this series of ""LUCERNE FESTIVAL Historic Performances"" and has been awarded the ""Diapason d'Or"" as well as a nomination for the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA). The 32-page booklet in three languages provides extensive background information on Annie Fischer and Leon Fleisher, and also features photos from the festival archives of all artists involved, published here for the very first time. In cooperation with audite, LUCERNE FESTIVAL presents outstanding concert recordings of artists who have shaped the festival throughout its history. The aim of this CD edition is to rediscover treasures – most of which have not been released previously – from the first six decades of the festival, which was founded in 1938 with a special gala concert conducted by Arturo Toscanini. These recordings have been made available by the archives of SRF Swiss Radio and Television, which has broadcast the Lucerne concerts from the outset. Painstakingly re-mastered and supplemented with photos and materials from the LUCERNE FESTIVAL archive, they represent a sonic history of the festival. 商品曲目: ROBERT SCHUMANN Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 54 Annie Fischer | Philharmonia Orchestra | Carlo Maria Giulini I. Allegro affettuoso – Andante espressivo – Allegro... (15:03) II. Intermezzo. Andantino grazioso – (06:00) III. Allegro vivace(10:54) LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-flat Major, Op. 19 Leon Fleisher | Schweizerisches Festspielorchester | George Szell I. Allegro con brio (13:43) II. Adagio (08:56) III. Rondo. Allegro molto (05:51) live recordings: Lucerne, Kunsthaus, 1960 / 1962





    • 【醫療保健】楊定一全新作品!重啟人生,再次出發,我們亟需一個全新的開始,走出有毒的關係,看清自戀的倒影,突破受害心態的枷鎖,活出這一生的祝福《水仙:從自戀談起,一種逆風的解讀》








