
E-COMMERCE 2016 12/E (G-PIE)

歌林Kolin 定時涼風大廈扇

歌林Kolin 定時涼風大廈扇



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Pedagogical Aids Help Students See Concepts in Action
.NEW! Text, data, figures, and tables reflect up-to-the-minute developments in e-commerce.
.NEW! Chapter-Opening Cases: In order to help students see how the topics they’re going to read work in the real world, each chapter opens with a case about a leading e-commerce company. These cases relate the key objectives of the chapter to a real-life e-commerce business venture. Cases include:
。The influence of on-demand services such as Uber and wearable technology like Apple Watch (Chapter 3)
。YouTube TrueView online video ads (Chapter 6)
。Twitter’s struggles to make its business model work and be profitable (Chapter 2)
.NEW! Insight Oncase studies contain real-world themes of technology, business, and society. The new and updated studies provide students with a rich understanding of e-commerce and up-to-date coverage of leading controversies and developments.
。NEW! Insight on Technology cases explore the impact of changes in technology on business models used in the online music industry (Chapter 2), study Ford’s use of 3D mobile advertising (Chapter 7), and weigh the triumph of HTML5 over Adobe Flash (Chapter 3).
。NEW! Insight on Society cases cover the Ashley Madison data breach and aftermath (Chapter 5), go in-depth on the Millennial generation (Chapter 9), bring to light Internet surveillance in the U.S and around the world (Chapter 3), and discuss Foursquare and the privacy implications stemming from its efforts to monetize user location data (Chapter 2).
。NEW! An Insight on Business case explores Simply Measured, a social media analytics company (Chapter 7).
.UPDATED! Chapter-Closing Case Studies: Each chapter concludes with a case study based on a real-world organization, including Pinterest’s launch of Buyable Pins and the shift of focus from search to social sharing (Chapter 1). These cases help refresh students’ understanding of chapter concepts by having them apply their knowledge to concrete problems and scenarios.
.Projects at the end of each chapter encourage students to apply chapter concepts using higher-level evaluation skills. Many of these projects make use of the Internet and require students to present their findings in an oral presentation or written report. For example, students may be asked to evaluate publicly available information about a company’s financials at the SEC website, assess payment system options for companies across international boundaries, and/or search for the top ten cookies and the sites they are from on their own computer.
.NEW! Infographics: A variety of additional infographics throughout the book provide a more visual and intuitive access to concepts and information. Infographics make it easier to see and remember patterns and relationships than traditional charts and graphs.
.NEW! Additional video cases have been added to each chapter:
。Chapter 1. The Importance of the Internet for E-commerce
。Chapter 2. Twitter for Business
。Chapter 3. How Freshdesk Uses Amazon Web Services
。Chapter 4. WL Gore Expands Using Demandware
。Chapter 5. Apple Pay vs. Google Wallet vs. PayPal
。Chapter 6. Pandora’s Recommendation System
。Chapter 7. Pinterest Users Engage with Sephora
。Chapter 8. The Right to Be Forgotten
。Chapter 9. Amazon Echo
。Chapter 10. Vox Media
。Chapter 11. Facebook Graph Search
。Chapter 12. Walmart Retail Link


Ch1: The Revolution Is Just Beginning
Ch2: E-commerce Business Models and Concepts
Ch3: E-commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, Web, and Mobile Platform
Ch4: Building an E-commerce Presence: Web Sites, Mobile Sites, and Apps
Ch5: E-commerce Security and Payment Systems
Ch6: E-commerce Marketing and Advertising Concepts
Ch7: Social, Mobile, and Local Marketing
Ch8: Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-commerce
Ch9: Online Retailing and Services
Ch10: Online Content and Media
Ch11: Social Networks, Auctions, and Portals
Ch12: B2B E-commerce: Supply Chain Management and Collaborative Commerce



    • 語言
    • 中文繁體
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9781292109961
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 912
    • 商品規格
    • 18開17*23cm
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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  • 依據「消費者保護法」第19條及行政院消費者保護處公告之「通訊交易解除權合理例外情事適用準則」,以下商品購買後,除商品本身有瑕疵外,將不提供7天的猶豫期:
    1. 易於腐敗、保存期限較短或解約時即將逾期。(如:生鮮食品)
    2. 依消費者要求所為之客製化給付。(客製化商品)
    3. 報紙、期刊或雜誌。(含MOOK、外文雜誌)
    4. 經消費者拆封之影音商品或電腦軟體。
    5. 非以有形媒介提供之數位內容或一經提供即為完成之線上服務,經消費者事先同意始提供。(如:電子書、電子雜誌、下載版軟體、虛擬商品…等)
    6. 已拆封之個人衛生用品。(如:內衣褲、刮鬍刀、除毛刀…等)
  • 若非上列種類商品,均享有到貨7天的猶豫期(含例假日)。
  • 辦理退換貨時,商品(組合商品恕無法接受單獨退貨)必須是您收到商品時的原始狀態(包含商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、所有附隨資料文件及原廠內外包裝…等),請勿直接使用原廠包裝寄送,或於原廠包裝上黏貼紙張或書寫文字。
  • 退回商品若無法回復原狀,將請您負擔回復原狀所需費用,嚴重時將影響您的退貨權益。
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