Love Hong Kong,Love China

Love Hong Kong,Love China

  • 定價:440
  • 優惠價:9396
  • 本商品單次購買10本85折374
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  The national security of a country is the bedrock of the life of its people and the fundamental interests of the nation.

  It is essential for teenagers, the future and hope of a country, to learn more about national security as they will be able to shoulder the mission of China’s rejuvenation when armed with an awareness of national security, the rule of law, and love for the motherland.

  This textbook serves as a teenager-oriented introduction to national security and the legal system for Hong Kong to safeguard national security, suitable for primary and middle school students to read and learn.



My Hong Kong, My China   04
Green Environment   12
Energy Conservation   22
Prosperity of Hong Kong   26
Science and Technology   32
Space Exploration   38
Deep-sea Exploration   42
Polar Exploration 46
Traditional Chinese Culture   52
Cyberspace Protection   58
National Defense   62
Rules for Life   66
Patriots Governing Hong Kong   76
Staying Safe Abroad   80
National Security for You and Me   84
Major Legislative Events   92



  From the Author

  A country is made up of millions of homes. A man’s country always comes before his home. Only when his country is secure can his home stay safe. National security of a country is the bedrock of the life of its people and the fundamental interests of the nation. As the concept of national security gets richer, and risks and threats to national security are on the rise, it is particularly essential for teenagers, the future and hope of a country, to learn more about national security. They will be able to shoulder the mission of China’s rejuvenation when armed with an awareness of national security, the rule of law and love for the motherland.

  This textbook serves as a teenager-oriented introduction to national security and the legal system for Hong Kong to safeguard national security. Illustrations, tips and interactions in the book are expected to help them better understand what happens around them, what being part of the Chinese nation means and what loving one’s country entails so as to enhance their perception of “the Holistic Approach to National Security,” improve their ability to help maintain national security and boost their awareness of the significance of safeguarding national unity, national interests and stable development of Hong Kong.



  • ISBN:9789620451454
  • 規格:精裝 / 96頁 / 20 x 21 x 1.34 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港




  • 【親子、童書、國中小】鏡文學電子書社方展|單書88折、雙書85折、三書75折|有書過.沒怕過







  • 台灣廣廈
  • 動植物展
  • 角川套書展