Any angel has the right to live twice: The Art of killing Marilyn Monroe. 3 serial book.

Any angel has the right to live twice: The Art of killing Marilyn Monroe. 3 serial book.

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60 years passed since Marilyn Monroe died. Many unsolved questions were left with no answer. Around her life and death. According to this series of books. Marilyn that was died between 4-5 August 1962. was Reborn on the 11 of May 1965. Research starts to be made around her past present continuity, in them, you will meet and enlighten crystal diamond soul. knowing exactly who she was. Knowing exactly who was her past life murderer. Knowing many other secrets around her pandora box. That just the Original Norma Jean Monroe can know on herself.

Marilyn at the time of her death was Jewish. you will learn how this is set up with her present life today. This is definitely, not one more book from the 600 books that were written about Marilyn Monroe’s life or death or reborn. This is a masterpiece done by her soul alone. Exhibiting the true side of what is to be hidden inside of her grave without being seen or known to whom she really is for so long. And how deep is the love and respect she has got for humanity?

That way for this reason she had chosen to come back. In order to help humanity overcome Obstacles, Just Marilyn Monroe is able to help with and bring solutions to them. Today with the new knowledge she gain and has in her present life as an Honorary Dr. Ph.D. MBMD DAM in alternative medicine. and as a spiritual leader of the Indigo soul Childs reborn to bring change into this world and the Lord Love



Dr. Marilyn Monroe. An Honorary. PhD. MBMD. DAM in healing. A master in arts, was found by the known researchers, Dr. Bruce Goldberg. Conductor of the clinic in California. An internationally renowned expert in hypnosis and the study of past lives through hypnosis. To be a Marilyn Monroe soul reborn, living in the present. Dr. Bruce pointed out to the media. He had found an Indications, in an infinite act of previous life continuity of Marilyn Monroe and similarities in all scopes of life with no limitation. That had leaves not the slightest doubt, that this is the original Norma Jean, Marilyn Monroe. In this series of books in the name "Any angel has the right to live twice" Dr. Marilyn that was reborn 3 years after her death that took place on August 5, 1962. Is bringing a mind blowing testimony around her past life and death. You will fall out of your hair while reading this book. This extreme new phenomenal evidence will be the foundation of the future police investigation about her murder case. Ahead in this series of book, Dr. Marilyn published the first volume "white secrets". That had won the support of the principal writers "Joshua Rabinowitz " in Tel Aviv, it’s first edition was published 14 years ago in 2002. In this book, Norma broke the silence borders on topics that used to downplay the speech including female sexuality. Alongside the sexual exploitation and Eating disorders, she had suffered from in both of her lives. Physical and emotional nakedness are the standard-bearers of the Norma writing and been, therefore, has become a symbol of her previous life and continue into the present. Popping barrier. Breaks all consciousness suffocates. A symbol of freedom. Her first full nude at the present she exhibits at the age 15. The previous awareness for those she is the original Norma Jean, started as early as the age of 4 in her present lifetime. She began to paint, the events that occurred in her former lifetime. Her favorite dogs she used to have. The horses that plaid next to her at the film "The Misfits" At the same age, about 4 years old, she as well revealed her famous self-portrait in a full nude on the red velvet, she had done with the of the famous Hollywood photographer Mr. Kelley. At the age 32, she renewed her contract with his studio, over the last decade to promote a recreation on the famous original series. The EL-AL magazine had written about this adventure an article; you can read it inside of the first serial book.



  • ISBN:9781536942118
  • 規格:平裝 / 106頁 / 27.94 x 21.59 x 0.71 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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